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Barbells For Bullies : Minneapolis 2018

Barbells For Bullies fosters a fitter and "pittier" community. We're a 501c3 that donates all of our net proceeds from funds raised via competition to deserving rescues and organizations.


Crossfit Nordeast

2400 2nd St, Minneapolis, MN 55441


July 14th, 2018


Because we like to lift heavy things and dogs are awesome. 

We will have a Partner (2m or 2f), and team (2m/2f) with both RX and Scaled Divisions. 


The first few WODs are below! Please be sure to follow us on Facebook and Instagram to stay up to date on us! 

Early Bird Pricing!

Partners 2M or 2F Only - $120

Teams (2m/2f) - $220

Registrations before 6/15/18 will get a can't-buy-it-anywhere T-shirt co-branded with Wags & Weights!

Registration closes 7/1/18 - No exceptions!

Registration is Open!! Click HERE

Scoring Policy: Scoring is based on a point system. The heaviest weight, fastest time, most reps etc will be given 1 pt, 2nd place will be given 2 pts, and so on. Lowest total score wins. 

Refund Policy: Refunds will be given up to 45 days before the event date. No refunds will be issued for injuries, sick teammates, locusts, floods, or zombies. We will issue refunds to all athletes if however we cancel the event for unforeseen circumstnaces. 

Sponsored in part by:


The theme of this year's events is "One More."

As fitness people, we're all about going the extra mile - sometimes literally.

One more set.

One more rep. 

One more minute. 

One more pull - we're about adding that one  extra. We want to take that same fervor, and transpose it into rescue and animal advocacy.

Just one more volunteer. 

One more hour.

One more post on social media.

One more bag of goodies for the shelter.

One more conversation to change minds.

We can all make a difference, just one more random act of kindness at a time. 

Competitors that sign up before the posted date will receive a can't-buy-it-anywhere t-shirt (or tank for the ladies) courtesy of our partnerships with Wags & Weights.

Barbells For Bullies Minneapolis
CF Nordeast
CF Nordeast Logo
CF Logo
Amraps for Amnaps - Mens heather (2)
Forging Elite Pitness (1)

Connect Now

PO Box 64 Lebanon, GA 30146

  • Facebook - Barbells For Bullies
  • Instagram - Barbells For Bullies

501(c)3 non-profit EIN: 81-3027823

Registered Charity: CH014597

© 2023 by Barbells For Bullies 

As Many Rescues As Possible and Barbells For Bullies are registered trademarks of Barbells For Bullies Inc

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