Wags & Weightlifting 2020 : Atlanta
Crossfit Peachtree / Buckhead Barbell Club
On a mission to help As Many Rescues As Possible.
We will have a sanctioned USAW meet, with all major adult divisions (10 male, 10 female). Singlets are optional, but participants must be active USAW members and comply with the USAW Rulebook.

Barbells For Bullies fosters a fitter and "pittier" community. We're a 501c3 that donates all of our net proceeds to deserving rescues and organizations.
What is Satellite Competition?

A Satellite Competition is our way of empowering local gyms to get involved and foster a fit and socially conscientious community. We will do all of the so called "heavy lifting." All the host gym needs to do is run the event on event day, and we take care of the rest! You can read all about it in our press release.

Prices are Locked in!
Partners 2M, 2F, M/F - $100
Registrations before 7/15/19 will get a can't-buy-it-anywhere T-shirt co-branded with Wags & Weights!
Registration closes 8/10/19
Scoring Policy: Scoring is based on a point system. The heaviest weight, fastest time, most reps etc will be given 1 pt, 2nd place will be given 2 pts, and so on. Lowest total score wins.
Refund Policy: Refunds will be given up to 45 days before the event date. No refunds will be issued for injuries, sick teammates, locusts, floods, or zombies. We will issue refunds to all athletes if however, we cancel the event for unforeseen circumstances.
Whom We're Benefiting:
Queen City Pitties Animal Rescue is a non-profit, 501(c)(3) organization that rescues bully breeds to give them a second chance. They are a group of professional dog trainers, dog rescuers, bully breed owners and animal lovers. Our goal is to educate the public to inspire a better understanding and appreciation of the breed. They also try to dispel damaging myths and to encourage responsible dog ownership.
"We rescue, rehabilitate, and re-home bullies."

AMRAPS: As Many Rescues As Possible
Last year, we were all about that One More. One more rep, one more pull, one more rescue, one more foster, one more conversation to change minds. This year, we want to empower local gyms and rescues. This year, we want to take our mission and extend it to any gym that would be willing to host an event. This year, we're on a mission, to help As Many Rescues As Possible. Whether it's by hosting an event to benefit a local rescue, funding a pup's needs via The Underdog Fund, we're on a mission to make a difference. We can all make a difference, just one more random act of kindness at a time. Competitors that sign up before the posted date will receive a can't-buy-it-anywhere t-shirt (or tank for the ladies) courtesy of our partnerships with Wags & Weights.